Wtf you might be thinking with that title, and I wouldn't blame you, lol. There is reason in my madness though, lol. There is a lil hunt on right now called the Kawaii Hunt which has lots of really cute things to find, most of which I wouldn't consider goth and therefore wouldn't actually use, however, the gift from Grim Brothers is most definately goth and something I would wear, but its also kawaii (which I'm told means cute in Japanese), hence the title.

See what I mean? You CAN be both goth AND kawaii, hehe.
Also worn:
Hair - House of Munster (which is currently closed again due to the sim her store was on being sold, sad times :< )
Skin - F'd Up - Felicity (this gorgeous skin is from the new line of skins that Beautiful Engineer of F''d Up is working on and is currently not released!!)
Boots - Dilly Dolls.Thats all for now, razorblade smiles and demented dreams,
Mil xx