Hello again my gothlings. No doubt by now you will all be well aware of the current Coronavirus global pandemic. It is truly a frightening time to be alive. As a keyworker, I am still currently in work, however my daughter has a chest infection, so we are self isolating, just n case. Pretty sure it is nothing, because we get them all the time being asthmatic and all. I've read loads of negative comments online about blogging this situation. But, as they safe, art imitates life, or the other way around! Anyways, I'm glad that in SL at least, I can find toilet paper and face masks! And without having to queue for miles to get in the store! So here's my lil post. And please, unless it is absolutely essential, stay the f*ck at home and help protect all of us from this nasty virus!

I had to slightly update this post as a dear friend of mine made these gorgeous
prints inspired by the find the rainbow movement that is currently taking the UK by storm. People everywhere are filling their windows with pictures of rainbows to try and bring a smile to everyone during these difficult times, both to keyworker's keeping the country safe and also to give children something to look for on their permitted outings for daily exercise with their families. These pictures were actually hand-drawn by the creators' RL daughter and brought into SL, and are available for free on Marketplace. #findtherainbow #savelives #protecttheNHS
mesh body ~ maitreya ~ lara,
head ~ catwa ~ candy,
hair ~ Truth ~ Horizon ~ previous group gift,
top ~ [American Bazzaar] ~ Virus t-shirts ~ group gift,
shorts ~ Blueberry ~ Love Spring shorts ~ previous FLF,
face mask ~ Absolut Creation,
Thank you for reading and STAY SAFE!
MiLLiE xox

I had to slightly update this post as a dear friend of mine made these gorgeous
prints inspired by the find the rainbow movement that is currently taking the UK by storm. People everywhere are filling their windows with pictures of rainbows to try and bring a smile to everyone during these difficult times, both to keyworker's keeping the country safe and also to give children something to look for on their permitted outings for daily exercise with their families. These pictures were actually hand-drawn by the creators' RL daughter and brought into SL, and are available for free on Marketplace. #findtherainbow #savelives #protecttheNHS
mesh body ~ maitreya ~ lara,
head ~ catwa ~ candy,
hair ~ Truth ~ Horizon ~ previous group gift,
top ~ [American Bazzaar] ~ Virus t-shirts ~ group gift,
shorts ~ Blueberry ~ Love Spring shorts ~ previous FLF,
face mask ~ Absolut Creation,
toilet roll ~ Absolut Creation,
pose ~ Foxcity ~ holy,
pictures ~ Cwtch ~ #findtherainbow prints.
Thank you for reading and STAY SAFE!
MiLLiE xox