Halloween is almost upon us and there are sooo many amazing fun halloween-y things going on in SL right now, but one thing you do NOT want to miss is Sn@tchs' annual Halloween game/ hunt. For those of you who have never done Sn@tchs' halloween game, this is not a hunt per se, more a game to play with kindly donated prizes you can pick up along the way. Make sure you click on
everything, as well as gifts along the way there are clues to be found which will help you solve the riddles along the way. Be warned, this is not for the faint of heart!
Outfit: Snatch ~ Plaid & Corduroy (Gift found within The Flesh Game),
Boots: Sn@tch ~ Drusilla boots (Gift found within The Flesh Game),
Socks: Sn@tch ~ Satan Socks (Gift found within The Flesh Game),
Ring: Sn@tch: Raven Ring (Gift found within The Flesh Game),
Skin: Adam n Eve ~ Ariadne (Limited Halloween group gift, costs L$1 to join the group),
Eyes: Sn@tch ~ ilyria eyes (Gift found within The Flesh Game),
Tattoo: Sn@tch ~ Beaver Tattoo (Gift found within The Flesh Game),
Stitches: Beauty Killer ~ Forced smile (Gift found within The Flesh Game).
There are many more gifts to be found during the Flesh Game from designers such as: Gauze, retox, forsaken, somnia, crave clothing, aidoru, and more! The Flesh Game ends November 13th, so get to it while you can! Here's your
Milly xox